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Filed under: — shelliwood @ 16:08

You really want to know about me, I’m not that interesting, rather boring actually.  Really? OK, but you have been warned.

I’m a 30 40 something who lives in Reading UK, I work in Facilities Management where I’ve been for about 7 15 years and still enjoying it.

I have two Godsons who I adore but thankfully I can give them back when they start to beat me up :)  I have a few really close friends who I love to spend time with even if it’s just sitting down and having a chat rather than actually doing something.

I’ve always been a tomboy and will very rarely be seen in a dress or skirt, though did choose to wear one for my 30th birthday party to surprise everyone.  I much prefer combats and tee-shirts/shirts, I have slight obsession with checked shirts at the moment.

I love sci-fi and fantasy TV/Books but am also loving an number of ‘crime’ TV shows at present including CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Castle and Forever.

My biggest ‘fandom‘ collection is from the X-Files, I still have all the old, videos, books, magazines, action figures and even an X-File Barbie and Ken :) , I’m not sure how I feel on the return yet but will be watching.  Must re-watch the original seasons first . . .

When I visit places I like to take dodgy pictures and get programmes/brochures.

I’m a bit of a collector of stuff that’s probably not interesting to anyone other than me.

Pets have mostly been guinea pigs, our most recent one was put-down September 2014, but as I’m not at home any more we will be unlikely to get another any time soon.  I’ve always wanted a ferret, ever since watching Kindergarten Cop as a child.

I have a very dry sense of humour and love puns which causes most people to look at me weird or tell me to shut up, including my closest friends and co-workers.  But they wouldn’t have me any other way, I hope ;)

I will listen to almost any type of music (classical, musical, pop, metal, rock, indie, dance, happy hardcore, old, new, don’t care as long as I like it) and have some very dodgy/weird/unusual stuff on my iPod.

Canada is at the very top of places I want to visit but have not got there yet . . .

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