Anya-102.JPGAnya302 viewsJust home from the shop. Just waiting for new home to be ready
Anya_-_002.JPGAnya287 viewsFirst week, sleepy piggy
Anya_-_050.JPGAnya294 views
Anya_-_052.JPGAnya296 viewsAlways trying to escape
Anya_-_100.JPGAnya240 views
Anya_-_103.JPGAnya280 viewsFirst week
Anya_-_104.JPGAnya289 viewsIf I fits, I sits :)
Anya_-_114.JPGAnya241 viewsFirst week
Anya_-_115.JPGAnya256 viewsFirst week
Anya_-_118.JPGAnya289 viewsTake note of the size of the bowl next to her, see how big she got later
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DSCN0210.jpgAnya237 views
DSCN0212.jpgAnya305 viewsI ignored her for a few minutes so she decide to get my attention
DSCN0257.JPGAnya288 viewsA grape, my favourite
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DSCN0483.JPGAnya244 views